Monday, October 18, 2010

Good and Great news!!!

Well, I changed up my page so I guess I should also do a little update. Well, first the BIG news!!!! I am engaged. Yep, I am marrying the most amazing man I have ever meet. He makes me so happy and even though life is already complicated and between the 2 of us we will have 4 kids, I really couldn't be more excited. I am completely in love with Kyle and I believe with all my heart he loves me too! So Mark your calender Feb. 26th 2011...It is going to be the best day ever!!!

In other also exciting news, I am just 4 pounds away from the magic number! But if I am totally honest that is not really my motivation as of late. Yeah, I guess Kyle kind of is, but to be perfectky honest a very dear and respected friend basically challenged me to get a wedding dress a size SMALLER then I currently wear. I took the bait and now I just have to get to work! Thankfully the dress laces up so if for some horrible reason I don't get my act together I can still wear it, but I really want to be a beautiful bride for Kyle. He deserves that! Plus God has done such a huge transformation in my life. I really want to be proud of what he has done. I am not trying to have a bad attitude like oh, I'm a hottie now or anything like that, but by God's grace alone I was able to confidently pick out a dress I never would have even looked at 80lbs ago. So, I really am excited on a lot of levels. Anyway, I am kind of rambling, but there it is. The good news and the great news!!! And all I can say is Thank you Jesus!!!! Truly every good and perfect gift does come from you...Thank you for being so generous to me!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ok, I am trying to be good and post regularly so here goes. Yesterday, second session on Summer First place for health. It was good, well great I lost 5 pounds! 157lbs was the number on the scale. I was very encouraged! 7 pounds...I think I can, I think can!

And in other news, I am officially in a relationship with a wonderful man! We meet through and have been talking for about 3 weeks. He is absolutly amazing and everything I have been praying for. He makes me feel so safe and really genuinly cared for. He is by far one of the sweetest men I have ever even met! I actually met his parent's yesterday, when I visited his home (he lives in Port Orchard.) They are wonderful too. Very warm and friendly people! Next for us...he is probably meeting my parent's this weekend! I know it probably sounds like things are going fast, but every minute with Kyle has been so natural and just kind of perfect! I feel like he is a God thing for me. Totally an answer to prayer. So we will see. Kyle and I both pray often for each other and this budding relationship. We want God's will for each other, but really I think we are both secretly praying that God has brought us together for reason. I will keep ya'll posted! Well, God is amazing and I hope you can see his hand moving in your life too. Have a great week and I will post more soon!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

one reason to be fat!

So, I have found a downside to being slimmer and ultimately a lot healthier. You see I just started dating again and first off I hate it! The pressure and confusion of meeting someone and getting to know them. I don't really like it. I really think that if God wants me to remarry he should just send me an e-mail and say hey "the one" is in a blue polo at startbucks. Go get him and live happily ever after! Still waiting for that e-mail. In the mean time I am trying both match and e-harmony. I have gone out with 2 guys. One a jerk in disguise, the other a total sweetheart, but even though I am only 8 months older then him I felt like I was lifetimes beyond him. But besides these 2 who I have actually "dated" there have been a handful of others who I have either e-mailed with via online services or a couple of guys who I know, but are just all of a sudden intriged and have been calling or texting me. Infact on myspace I was proposed to by a total stranger and then a few days ago I recived a simple e-mail saying super cute =you! While some of this may seem harmless and a bit of an ego boost a lot of it feels like really guys...REALLY! What about me has changed in the last year. The easy answer my waistline! I am the same grounded, smart, goofy, musical, single mom of 2 I have always been. I just wear a smaller jean size. It just really makes me wonder are guys only attracted to me now because I don't shop for plus sizes? I mean I will be fair, I am slightly superficial as well. I will not date a man who is overweight, but it is not because of the size it is because of my own weakness. I know that if I get involved with someone with little or no interest in eatting healthy and working out then I would most likely find myself struggling and possibly giving up on my goal of reaching and maintaining a healthy size and lifestyle. And really I never started losing weight to impress anyone. I am who I it or leave it! I started this journey for me and my kids. I wanted to set a good example for Laina and Tia and I wanted to do everything in my power to stay healthy and be with my girls as long as possible! It does bug me a little though that I never tried to be a sexy little wife for Dave. He deserved that. I'm sure he is proud of me now, but I can't help wondering what he would have thought of coming home to a small, blonde Zumba instructor. Apparently, that is a turn on for some guys. Anyway, this is just my little rant about dating. I really don't like it and I wish I was not single. I actually pray that God will either answer my prayer to have someone new in my life or else take that desire away. It is just hard! Anyway, if you are in a relationship with the love of your life be thankful and don't take them for granted. You are both blessed! Well, good night. I gotta get some sleep before I meet with Jillian at 5am!

Shame on me...again

Wow, I haven't blogged in almost 2 months...where have I been?!?! Obviously I have yet to hit the goal otherwise there would have definatly been a post before now. I have had other things on my mind, but we can get there in a minute. First an update on the journey. Basically since my last session of FP ended I was 161lbs and I pretty much decded I "deserved" a break. I ahve not been weight lifting, I ahven't been writting my food down and I ahve missed a little Zumba due to other summer activities. Like this last week was VBS...I only went to 7 classes. I can not rememebr the last time I went to so few classes. It did make me sad, but VBS was a blast and best news of all Alaina asked Jesus into her heart!!!!!! Needless to say we have one proud Mamma!!!! Anyway, I don't know where I am weight wise, I kind of don't want to know, but Tomorrow it is back to the drawing board and then some. I ahve decided I want to hit things hard. So tomorrrow morning 5am I will be up to start the 30 day sherd with Jillian Michaels and then I get to dive into my new First Place 4 Health Bible Study. the groups will start meeting a week from tomorrow! I am so excited to get really serious again and hopefully, prayerfully, and uber dedicatedly I pray to reach my goal of 150 by the end of this 6 week study. It is all up to Jesus though so thy will be done!!!! I will try really hard to keep everyone posted!!! Much love to you. I hope you are having a great Summer!!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

9 pounds!!!!

No not 9 pounds lost, 9 pounds to go!!!! I haven't weighed in for a few weeks and with some crazy stuff going on I really didn't know where that would put me, but there it was 159lbs. Honestly haven't been this small since probably middle school. How sad is that? Anyway, I am just so, so, so thankful right now. I was in such shock, I am still in shock. Wow, Thank you Jesus!!! I'm sorry I don't even know what else to say. I will have to post more on this later!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Not a lot of news. Weight wise I am holding strong at 169. 19 lbs away from the ultimate goal!!! I can't believe how close it is, but it is also discouraging how long the last 30lbs are taking. I know we'll get there though! I have faith. God isn't done with me yet and even when I reach the goal then the journey to maintain will come into play, but I am not gonna stress over it. God is good all the time!!!! Well, I have been up way to late the last few days so I am gonna kepp this one short. Hopefully I will have exciting news for next Sunday! Have a blessed week everyone!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

:) Happy Day (:

I hope this does not come off as braggy at all. I say this out of pure 100% shock! I AM A SIZE 10! I have never worn that size EVER! When I was younger I went from a kid's 16 to a jr's extra large/15. Then I floated most of high school around a size 14/16. Then Babies came and I ended up a size 20/22. So to think I am for the first time ever I am an average size for a woman my height and age is such an indescribable blessing!!!! And it makes my magic number seem do-able. I always thought it would be cool to be able to wear a single digit! My goal is a size size away!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! You are an awesome God and I give you the glory for this HUGE change and I thank you with every ounce there has ever been of me! Wow, God is good! AMEN!!!!!